Hydroelectric Plant Roof Restoration


Perak River, Malaysia


60 mil (1.5 mm) TRITOflex membrane


19,000 square feet


Hydroelectric dams in Malaysia provide power for much of the country. Many of these impressive structures were built along the Perak River in the north. The seamless TRITOflex rubber membrane was installed at a plant dealing with disruptive leaks for years.

The private electrical company, Tenaga Nasional Bhd, decided to have TRITOflex installed at this remote location after learning about the long-term benefits it provides compared to other coatings and liquid membranes available in the Southeast Asian market. Some of these coatings had already been used on this roof with only a few years of performance.

 Benefits of TRITOflex included:

  • Excellent adhesion to the existing concrete and the existing fiberglass emulsion coating on some ares of the roof.
  • Extreme elongation and flexibility, allowing the membrane to bridge future cracks and movement of the old concrete building
  • UV stable and resistant to a wide range of chemicals and acids
  • Impermeable and withstands ponding water indefinitely
  • Non-slip, durable surface that is safe for plant workers to walk on and strong to resist the monkeys which play on the roof at night.
  • Quick, “green” application with no disruptive odors or harmful solvents being used

Non-Disruptive, Professional Installation

The water-based TRITOflex rubber was installed by RNC Integral Technology of Malaysia to a 1.5 mm dry (60 mils) thickness in one coat over 1,800 m2 (19,000 sf) of area; seamlessly flashing around the multitude of penetrations on the roof which would be difficult to seal with traditional sheets or other liquid products. Unlike some liquids, there is no restriction on surface temperature, so installation in the extremely hot and humid rain forest climate posed no problems during the project.

The hydroelectric plant’s roof, which protects multiple giant turbines to generate power from the river, is now watertight with the long-term, premium TRITOflex solution!