Richardson Pioneer Grain Elevators
Alberta & Saskatchewan, Canada
80 Mil TRITOflex membrane
20 mil TRITOtherm ceramic top coat
In Saskatchewan and Alberta, Canada, Triton representatives have worked alongside Richardson Pioneer to provide long-term, seamless, and eco-friendly solutions for their western Canada grain elevators.
Whether it’s restoring the roofs of grain elevators, or protecting steel structures from corrosion at potash mines, NAU Group has used TRITOflex as an indispensable tool with their agricultural and industrial clients.
The Pioneer grain elevators shown here were restored by NAU Group to watertight condition with TRITOflex and TRITOtherm throughout Western Canada in 2016. Their clients selected TRITOflex to protect their agricultural assets because of its:
- 1900% elongation
- Class A fire rating
- Hail and impact resistance
- UV stability and ceramic technology
- Seamless and self-terminating
- No harmful VOC’s or toxic fumes
- Highest adhesion ratings to concrete in the world
- Impermeable resistance to acids and much more
Seamless Installation
Pioneer’s grain elevators were spread out across these two provinces, but the user-friendly Triton instant-set spray system made for easy transportation, cleaning, and quick application. TRITOflex was spray-applied in one coat, instantly stopping all leaks on each structure and protecting value agricultural resources stored inside.